Scrollbar question

_ There’s a scrollbar tutorial i found at flaskit - its the best one i’ve found. I’ve got it working and all, but the problem is i can’t seem to get my text to display properly in it…it increases in size by about 4 times (from an external text file). I basically want to make my text box about twice the height of the sample file and it says all i have to change is the numLines variable. I tried but it still won’t’ work…has anyone looked at this tutorial or tried it out for themselves? Here’s the tutorial:…-640/more11.php

If anyone has any ideas i really appreciate it.

you must have resized the dynamic txt box using the free transform. instead just drag the little square in theright corner of the txtbx. I think that should work

Yes, that was it kartik…thanks! I have one more question…is it possible to have links in the external text file that will load another swf or pop up?

i dont think thats possible. Maybe some mod might help.

Yes it is possible. Use javascript to launch a popup.

There is an undocumented function in Flash 5 that even still exist on Flash MX… Here’s what you do:

Make the Textfeild a HTML. Load you HTML to that textfeild. I must assume that you know how to load .txt files to a text feild and using HTML. Make a link that will control the loading of other SWFs. To make it place your script in a function. Like:

function = loadSWF(args){
loadMovieNum(args, 1);

And in the HTML you place the link that will call function when a link in the textfeild is clicked. Now this is the time you use the undocumented function I told you about, the AS commands. The AS command you are going to use here is the ASfunction. Your text file should look like this:

//assume that you textfeild variable is test!
text=Click <font color='#0000cc'><A HREF='asfunction:loadSWF,yourSWF.swf'>here</a></font> to load a new SWF file!

The loadSWF is the function called while the yourSWF.swf is the filename of the swf you want to load. You can add as many links that will load an external SWF.

//assume that you textfeild variable is test!
text=Click <font color='#0000cc'><A HREF='asfunction:loadSWF,yourSWF.swf'>here</a></font> to load a new SWF file!
Click <font color='#0000cc'><A HREF='asfunction:loadSWF,yourSWF2.swf'>here</a></font> to load a another SWF file!

Beware: don’t use ASfunction using built-in functions like gotoAndStop(), you must use it using custom function. Using built-in functions will crash your PC!
