Scroller help

Hi, I am hoping someone could help me understand and change this movie clip i have (Flash - 5 btw).

The movie clip is a scroller which I download a while back (I can’t remember where from now) The contents of the scroller which i want to scroll is a seperate movie clip which loads it’s contents from a .txt file.

The problems I am having are:

1 - I cannot seem to change the height of the text box movie, I can change it in flash, but when i publish and play it just appears at a set size.

2 - the last link in the contents jumps like crazy when I hoover over it.

3 - when there is less content than the size of the text box I would like the scroller to disapear.

4 - If I add a mask around the text box, the contents disapear, i have in place a custom mask for the mean time but this will have to go.

Thanks in advance for any help on this. There’s a free banner & credits on my site if anyone can fix these issues.



download flsah mx and use their scrollbar component.

erm, Thanks but I can’t afford to upgrade yet! I really need to do this in Flash 5!



Anyone else care to look, please?

sry man can’t help ya on this one. never did it like that

never did it like what! pm me if it’s not personal to post! ;

I have a feeling I should combine the two movie clips into one, anyone had a chance to give me some feedback?



No one? I guess this is a bit more complex than I first thought.

Any feedback would be nice!

