Hi, I am hoping someone could help me understand and change this movie clip i have (Flash - 5 btw).
The movie clip is a scroller which I download a while back (I can’t remember where from now) The contents of the scroller which i want to scroll is a seperate movie clip which loads it’s contents from a .txt file.
The problems I am having are:
1 - I cannot seem to change the height of the text box movie, I can change it in flash, but when i publish and play it just appears at a set size.
2 - the last link in the contents jumps like crazy when I hoover over it.
3 - when there is less content than the size of the text box I would like the scroller to disapear.
4 - If I add a mask around the text box, the contents disapear, i have in place a custom mask for the mean time but this will have to go.
Thanks in advance for any help on this. There’s a free banner & credits on my site if anyone can fix these issues.