
Ok here’s my question, I have an input text box with my text and its scrollable and all that stuff. But now I don’t want to use Macromedia’s scroll bar, I’d like to use my own. I don’t know what actions to asign the buttons. I want one to make it scroll up, and the other to make is scroll down. If someone could give me an answer I would be very thankfull.

Erm…for me, I will simply create a movie clip, dump everything into that movieclip, and scroll it as a whole. In this way, you can use any button of your choice. Below, i create a boolean variable called ‘scrollUp’ at root level. Then we’ll put the codes below into, let’s say, the ‘scroll up’ button:

on ( press ) {
_root.scrollUp = true;

on ( release, releaseOutside ){
_root.scrollUp = false;

then in the movieclip itself, i will give it another piece of code:

if ( _root.scrollUp )
_y += 5;

//we take 100 as the boundary. The movieclip cannot scroll
//beyond this boundary

     if ( _y > 100 )
       _y -= 5;


That’s all. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

they are using Input text. doesn’t really work as well with a MC because then you would probably have to mask stuff…

Well, I will just mask it. It’s not so difficult to create a mask anyway. :slight_smile: But again, it depends on what you are trying to do and which method works better for you.