Scrolling Background

I was just wondering if you knew how to make a picture just scroll by continuously without getting a bump or a blank spot in it. I have a picture of a star/space scene and I want it to scroll by as if panning a huge picture. Is there anyway to do that? Thank you!


Post your image and ill do dat

Here’s the picture I’m using. I hope it helps you! Thank you very much!

Check if this helps you

That’s awesome! Um…is there anyway you can make it scroll the other way? Wow…you’re really good at this, you know? ^^ Thanks for all your work!


Nevermind trying to change the direction! I should be so grateful for this! You are awesome! I love it! I love it so much! Oh, thank you so so so very much! (Guess you can tell I’m new at this…) I’ll be there someday, but thanks for helping me! ^^ You are very nice. Thanks again!

And thx for the complements :slight_smile: