Scrolling "parallax" gallery

Hey all,

I’m trying to build myself a scrolling parallax gallery using this script i found on flashkit. It’s kind of working out but i’m running into a few walls.
here -->

The thing is the script here i think is a bit dated and i’m hoping there’s a better way to go about this.

For example… the “onClipEvent Handlers” - just found out chew up ram. I’m thinking this is why my SWF is running so sloooooow…

there must be a better way to do this… ?

anyone… ?

my A.S. knowledge is limited but, someone suggested to try using “onEnterFrame” with a function and delete the loop when not needed. Not sure this will work seeing the loop will be constantly needed in order for the scroll to work.

Can anyone show me the way or recommend a good tutorial on parallax scrolling? Particularly interested in a scrolling gallery.

I’m trying to build my site similar to this.

much obliged!