Scrolling text problem

hello and thanks in advance for your help,

i have on the main timeline a movie clip called “contentWindow_profile”. In this movie clip are two buttons, “down_btn”, and “up_btn”, and also a text box called profileText.

Try as I might, I can’t seem to get scrolling to work on the text box. all i want is for the user to be able to hold down the mouse button on either button and for the text box to scroll to its limits. i know this is easy, but if anyone can help, i would be much obliged.

code i have a the moment:

this.contentWindow_profile.down_btn.onPress = function() {
   contentWindow_profile.profileText.scroll -= 1;

this.contentWindow_profile.up_btn.onPress = function() {
  contentWindow_profile.profileText.scroll += 1;