hi there! I’m new to the board so if this question is repeat please forgive it. I have created a scrolling text for a client who initially wanted a click per line scroll. Now they want a mouseover continuous scroll. I have the text as a movie clip with actions of go to and play next frame and go to and play previous frame. Is there an action I can add to make it continuous on rollover? As it is now I have to rollout and over each time i want to scroll a line. I don’t know how to redo it otherwise…
Thanks in advance.
Sorry Mike, I was outta town for a week, just got back to check all the posts…send me a mail to EyezBerg@hotmail.com
with your mail and I’ll send you the fla, you’ll get the other FX as well…
Please can you help Ive tryed in my mind to explain what I want, but it looks like I can’t, so if you go to this site it will explain better as it has visuals