scrollPane component help

I ham having trouble keeping track of multiple items that I add to my scrollPane called room. One item in the room works farily well but when two or more are added, I can only work with the last item added and none of the others. Can anyone help me with this?

var myXML:XML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
libraryList_ar = new Array();
combo_list.dataProvider = libraryList_ar;
myXML.onLoad = function(success) {
 if (success) {
  var libraries = this.firstChild;
  var dValue =;
  combo_list.textField.label.text = "Library";
  var libCount = libraries.childNodes.length;
  var libItems = libraries.firstChild.childNodes.length;
  for (var i = 0; i<libCount; i++) {
   //libraryList_ar* = libraries.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
   libraryList_ar* = new Object();
   libraryList_ar*.label = libraries.childNodes*.attributes.Text;
   libraryList_ar*.data = libraries.childNodes*;
   //save reference here
loading_txt.autoSize = true;
loading_txt.text = "";
loading_txt._visible = false;
// resize loading images to thumbnail size
var MAX_WIDTH:Number = 50;
var MAX_HEIGHT:Number = 50;
var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mclListener:Object = new Object();
mclListener.onLoadInit = function(mc:MovieClip) {
 loading_txt.text = "Loading...";
 // set variables to keep the original image dimensions
 var xw = mc._width;
 var xh = mc._height;
 // where image width is greater than image height
 if (mc._width>mc._height) {
  mc._width = MAX_WIDTH;
  mc._height = (mc._height*MAX_WIDTH)/xw;
  // center image
  mc._y = (75-mc._height)/2;
 //where image height is greater than image width
 if (mc._height>mc._width) {
  mc._height = MAX_HEIGHT;
  mc._width = (mc._width*MAX_HEIGHT)/xh;
  mc._x = (75-mc._width)/2;
 loading_txt._visible = false;
_global.count = 0;
combo_list.change = function(eventObj) {
 var selItem:Object =;
 //trace("Item selected was:  "+selItem.label);
 var itemXML:XMLNode =;
 //use saved reference to iterate through childNodes
 for (var idx = 0; idx<itemXML.childNodes.length; idx++) {
  trace("Item includes: "+itemXML.childNodes[idx].attributes.Text);
  var t_mc:MovieClip;
  t_mc = thumbs.content.attachMovie("thumb_mc", "thumb"+idx, idx, this.getNextHighestDepth());
  t_mc._x = 5;
  t_mc._y = 5+(idx*80);
  //this loads the swf into the thumbs scrollPane
  _root["mc"+idx] = new MovieClipLoader();
  _root["mc"+idx].loadClip("decals/"+itemXML.childNodes[idx].attributes.ItemSWF+".swf", t_mc.Container_mc);
  //_root["mc"+idx].loadClip(itemXML.childNodes[idx].attributes.ItemSWF+".swf", t_mc.Container_mc);
  t_mc.idx = idx;
  t_mc.piece = itemXML.childNodes[idx].attributes.ItemSWF;
  t_mc.onRelease = function() {
   // this adds the item to the room
   var tmp:MovieClip = room.content.createEmptyMovieClip("myLoader"+count, count+100);
   mcl.loadClip("decals/"+this.piece+".swf", tmp);
   //mcl.loadClip(this.piece+".swf", tmp);
   tmp._x = 100;
   tmp._y = 100;
   trace("tmp= "+tmp);
   _global.temp_mc = tmp;
combo_list.addEventListener("change", combo_list);
clear_btn.onRelease = function() {
 room.content["myLoader"+count]._visible = 0;
 //room.content.temp_mc._visible = 0; 
 if (count == -1) {"The room is empty!");
  count = 0;
room.content.onPress = function() { 
room.content.onRelease = function() {