Scrollpane prob

Hi guys,
im new here want to say hello first :slight_smile:

ok let say i have a bib problem(well maybe its simple ,but look like i cant find why it append)

ok i made a image gallery that use XML, but only to tel how many image to load that description text and the image title,

that part working well,

but i got a scrollpane that display a movieClip (container) that got the duplicated mc (the thumbnails),

ok now the probleme, when the flash is play for the first time, the scrollpane dosent show all image and dosent show the scrollbar, i got to reload the page ,some time even 2 time to got all the image ,and its only 15 img,

you can see it there ,(gallery section)

and you can download the .fla there

plz and a big thanks in advance for your help