Scrollpane frustration

I have a movie in which when you click a button it loads an extrenal jpeg into a target in the root. I have about 100 buttons i need to be able to scroll through to load 100 different jpegs. I’ve created the buttons in a new movie clip and have got the actionscript to allow them to load in the target in the root that I need them to. I also have the linkage set on the mc to allow use of the scrollpane. I have the scroll pane contentpath pointing to the correct linkage. Here’s where the frustration comes in. No matter what I do the scrollpane shows up as a blank window. I’ve copied the mc into a new movie and the scrollpane works perfectly but it will not work in the movie I need it to. The movie is nothing coplicated. WHAT AM I MISSING HERE??? Please help! Thanks!