Okay. After combing over the many examples of using the scrollpane, I am needing assistance in something I am working on.
The basic idea;
I am loading jpg thumbnails from an XML document into a scrollpane.
Next, I am taking these thumbnails and giving them on Release functionality.
Finally, I am displaying the large picture after the thumbnail has been clicked.
Everything works as intended. EXCEPT, the problem is loading the thumbnails into the scrollpane. Here’s the code I have so far;
_global.picxml = new XML();
picxml.ignoreWhite = true;
picxml.onLoad = function(success)
if (success) {
else trace(‘xml screw up!’);
function parseXmlDoc(xmlDoc)
if (xmlDoc.loaded)
var yPos = 60;
xmlLength = xmlDoc.firstChild.childNodes;
for( i=0; i < xmlLength.length; i++ )
xmlThumb = xmlDoc.firstChild.childNodes*;
imagePath = xmlThumb.attributes.thumbURL;
targetClip.duplicateMovieClip(i, i);
this._y = this*._y + (i*yPos);
I think the problem can be that the duplicate movie clips are being named; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. I thought that by setting ‘targetClip’ to the scroll content would send the duplicate movie clips into the pane, but it does not.
On my stage, I have;
- Empty movie clip. Instance; ‘targetClip’.
- Scrollpane. Instance; ‘cmpThumbs’.
When my movie is created, I am having a look at the objects created;
Movie Clip: Frame=1 Target="_level0.targetClip"
Movie Clip: Frame=1 Target="_level0.0"
Movie Clip: Frame=1 Target="_level0.1"
Movie Clip: Frame=1 Target="_level0.2"
Movie Clip: Frame=1 Target="_level0.3"
Movie Clip: Frame=1 Target="_level0.4"
Movie Clip: Frame=1 Target="_level0.5"
(FYI; I created the movies like this for my on Release function to connect to the appropriate child node to get the full size picture)
So, I thought that when you duplicate a movie, that I could pull in ‘targetClip’ into the scrollpane. But it’s not. I can see my
thumbnails, but they float above the scrollpane.
Please…help a fellow flasher out. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
Whoever can get this for me, I’ll give you a cookie.