Scrollpane question

this is probably not a difficult question, but im trying to get text into my scrollpane, essentially what i want to do is be able to dynamically load a picture with text next to it into a scrollpane and be able to just keep adding more in using xml.

probably the easiest way to explain it would be to imagine a cd collection with the cd name next to it and each new one i get i add to the xml file.

now im not the greatest at actionscript so i went straight to kirupas tutorial and have been nutting over it for the last week.

i can manage to create text fields along with the movie clips involved however i havent been able to populate them with any text. ive started off just adding in static text until i get that working and then from there id substitute the xml information in once it was working.

ive googled the world and scoured these forums and i just cant get the hang of it.

any help would be greatly appreciated. the flash file i used is simply the one that came with the tutorial and below is the code with what i have so far.


var i:Number=0;
var mcMain:MovieClip;
var txtname = new Array();
var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();

fmt.bold = true;
fmt.font = "emb";
fmt.size = 24;

function init() {
    //empty movie clip in library with linkage name "scrollMovieClip"
    scrollPane.contentPath = "scrollMovieClip";
    mcMain = scrollPane.content;

btnAdd.onRelease = function() {
    //attaching blueMovie to the content location stored in mcMain
    mcMain.attachMovie("blueMovie", "blue"+i, mcMain.getNextHighestDepth(), {_y:50*i+5, _x:5});
    i = txtname.length;
    txtname* = "txt" + i;
    mcMain.createTextField(txtname*,mcMain.getNextHighestDepth(), 5, 50*i+5, 100,100);
    mcMain.txtname*._rotation = 0;
    mcMain.txtname*._alpha = 50;
    mcMain.txtname*.autoSize = true;
    mcMain.txtname*.embedFonts = true;
    mcMain.txtname*.text = "blah blah blah";

btnRemove.onRelease = function() {
    if (i != 0) {