Hi I have a large movie clip (2000px * 2000px) and I was scrolling it over the stage by changing the movieclip.x and moviclip.y and using a mask. This method was ok, but slower cpu’s were not handling it. So im using scrollRect. It’s easier on the cpu, but the problem is its not smooth movement.
Please see this example:http://lab.wx3.com/scrolltest/
I found this example of the problem from this thread http://board.flashkit.com/board/showthread.php?t=787544
scrollRect seems great, but I just cant get transitions smooth, my code is ok, the scroll rectangle is moving in 1 pixel increments.
Is there anything I can do about this problem?
I have read that using scrollRect on a bitmap will do what I need, but I dont really want to convert my MC to a bitmap as it will lose quality when the swf is scaled in the users browser even with smoothing.