Scrolpane question?

Hello evryone,
This is my first post on this forum and I want to see if I can get some pointers(help). I am building a new site for myself(in Flash MX) .I have everything set up the way I want it so far and am using a scollpane on my gallery page. Everything works well except for one error I have?

My site is setup in scenes(still learning). When you come to the first page(scene1) a large image slides from left to right across the page.Then by clicking the gallery(work) button at the bottom of the page that same image that originally slid from left to right now slides back to its original position(right to left) on the left side of the page. Once the image is out of the way it uncovers the scrollpane underneath. The scrollpane works as it is suppost to. I click on an image inside the scrollpane and it loads an external MovieClip.swf file onto the scene(just how I want it to).

My Problem: After I have finished looking at the pic(s) I then press the home button at the bottom of the page(to take me back to the home page) and the same large image again slides back into place. Starting on the right side this time and stopping on the left side. But the imge that I was last looking at on my gallery(work) page is now on top of my large image that is on my home page(sliding image).

So my question is can someone help me figure out how to keep the images from my gallery page from being place over top of the large sliding image on my home page? I will appreciate any and all help. Take careā€¦