Seamless music loops, help!

hi everyone!

does anyone know if there is any way to load an external sample of music into an swf file and have it loop seamless without a gap between loops? loading an mp3 file and looping it creates this gap between loops, but if i have the music already in the swf as ADPCM instead of mp3 it is seamless.

Have also tried putting the music inside another swf file and converting it to ADPCM, then loading this external movie into the main swf file, but i can’t even get that to work.

Can anyone help me please?

Funny you ask, I’ve been looping most of the day today :whistle:

If you have cut the sound in a prog like Sound Forge and it loops OK then you should have no problems looping it in Flash.

The only way I can see it NOT working is if you have a sound file that is too long and you try using the EDIT feature in Flash to make it loop.

If I’m barking up the wrong tree, then give us some more details.
Do you have a link or FLA for us to dissect?

love your blueprint website Kel - 420. wish i could create something that looks as amazing as that. actually the way you have ur music samples in that site is similar to how i’m trying to do mine. i’ve got 5 wav files. all loop seamless in flash if they are changed to adpcm, if they are changed to mp3 there is a gap between loops. but because i have 5 of them i thought it would be a better idea to load them externally rather than have them all imported into the one swf file and take ages to download. how did you do urs? it is similar what i am trying to do with the 5 music track links and the on and off buttons?
if you can help me then thank you so much! will be greatly appreciated.

Thanx for the comments about my site!! :crazy:

Well I did it a really easy way.

Each loop is its own movie.
If you click track one, it will load track01.swf on level 20
If you click track two, it will load track02.swf on level 20
And so on…

If you click sound off it loads an empty movie clip EG, empty.swf on level 20

As far as the loops go. I cut them up in Sound Forge so that if you play them in win amp or something, they loop perfectly with no break in sound. Then import them into Flash, set them to MP3 and Best quality. I then test the bit rate by ear. Usually 16 kbps is as low as I can go b4 loss of quality is too noticeable [but not always].

So in short, if your loops loop properly, then you should have no problem doing it the way I just described.

Any probs give me a shout.

thank you so much!
i will give it a try in the morning and let you know how i get on.

how long have you been creating sites like yours? i’ve only just finished uni and am about to look for jobs in web design once i get an online portfolio made. you wouldn’t happen to have any advice on what an employer or client would be looking for would you?

thanks again for all your help.

I’ve been working in design for about 8 years and with Flash for about 6 maybe 7 now, I forget.

I started out at Matinee in the UK b4 they even did web design. One thing led to another and I now own bluprint.

As for advice. It’s the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.
Don’t try and master too much too quick.

My strengths are animation not coding [luckily we have other people that do the hard-core coding]. Every opportunity I get I try and learn more PHP and all that good stuff.

thanks Kel - 420, ur a star!

i will let u know how i get on with the music when i get round to it in the morning.

Again thanks for your help with that. i tried it today the way you told me how to do it and it works great! :beam: your a genius! i would have never thought to do it that way.

Glad I could help :slight_smile: