I just read the tutorial/essay on Search Engines:
but I’m still confused. Can spiders crawl through loaded .swf’s?
A “Flash Site” usually resides on an html page, with the “pages” loading on top of itself.
So how can different Sections of a site be meta-tracked? Should the index page have ALL the metas? What about the working links that spiders like to trace?
(I’m getting ready to do a site for a real estate company, and they’re asking about google, etc)
it’s always a good idea to write ALL metas in index page
uh maybe a stupid question, but what are metas ?
metas? what’s metas? maybe meta but a lot of them?
search engine site recognition (keywords assigned to a specific page)
heh another stupid quesiton How do you get em into the index page? do you just put lots of words between the <meta> </meta> ???
ok i think thats what you do
<meta name="description" content="this is a cool page ya 'no">
<meta name="keywords" content="good site, good ****, god, site, ****">
<meta name="author" content="fluid_0ne">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="30 days">
<meta http-equiv="title" content="cool page">
<meta name="copyright" content="none">
<meta name="distribution" content="Global">
<meta name="rating" content="Adult">
<meta name="robots" content="All">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-2">
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="pl">
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Sun, 31 Nov 2010 13:00:00 GMT">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="Cache">
<meta http-equiv="window-target" content="_top">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
<meta http-equiv="classification" content="Adults">
this should give you an idea…
ooh, ok maybe this should be in the dreamweaver/frontpage section, but while we’re at it i might as well do it here Are the “descritiption” and “keywords” etc the same for all? or can it be made up??? (hope you understand what i mean :))
And how do you know when to use “meta name” OR “meta http-equiv” thanks!
you can use “Meta Tag Expert”
you can do it in DV as well
whats meta tag expert ?!! :-\
and DV?? do you mean DW (dreamweaver?)
When you publish your movie from flash, all the text in the movie is printed in your HTML like:
<!-- Text used in movie --!>
My name is Freddythunder I have a dog his coat is shiny He's not a smart dog He eats food etc, etc, etc.
That’s how search engines find the text from a movie.
META tags are very important to web crawlers. Your keywords are key. (Hey…hahaha) These are the words that create relevance to a directory. I forget the actual numbers I’ve read before, but I think it should be limited to 200; not sure about that. You’ll find tons of stuff on Google. Another thing you may want to do is list your site with the search engines. (-:
I just tried the publish from Flash, and it’s true! Text AND links were hidden in the html! Thanks for the tip, it makes justifying Flash-sites to clients that much easier.
this should be made sticky somewhere