Search for and parse hyperlinks

I’m trying to write this include file to include a function that passes a message and searchss for webURL’s (ie… and replaces them (assuming the url is $word) with “<a href=$word target=_blank>$word</a>”

function processMessage($message) {
		if (!strpos($message, "www")){
		string($newMessage = "");
			$messageArray = explode(" ", $message);
			foreach($messageArray as $word){
				if (!strpos($message, "www")){
					$word = '<a href=$word target=_blank>$word</a>';
					$newmessage .= " " .$word;
					$newmessage .= " " .$word;
		$message = $newMessage;
		return $message;

got it. For once Ahmed didn’t have to bail me. :}

function processMessage($tempMessage)
		$newMessage = "";
		$messageArray = explode(" ", $tempMessage);
			print substr($message, $needle);
			foreach($messageArray as $word){
				if (stristr($word, "www") === false){
					$newMessage .= " " . $word;					
				else {
					$word = "<a href=$word target=_blank>$word</a>";
					$newMessage .= " " . $word;				
		return $newMessage;

haha… i missed this thread, sorry :slight_smile:

I like how you’ve done it though, if it was for me I might’ve ended up using regex, which make it unneccesarily complicated

preciate it. it’s for a shoutbox that I’m playing with. I’ll post the finished *.inc file when i’m done. Maybe you’ll find some use for it, I’m trying to make it, what was the word… ****, for got it. Oh well, reusable. I hated programming concepts anyway :beam:

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

To be honest I do need a link parser for a lightweight blog software i wrote a few weeks ago… I was lazy too lazy to make my own parser :stuck_out_tongue:


require 'processMessage.php';
$message = "some message from db or from get or post blah...";

$newMsg = processMessage($message);
echo $newMsg;


# PHP to parse URL's and email addresses before insertion into
# SQL database.  Accepts a single string and returns a string.
//begin function to parse accepting a string
function processMessage($tempMessage)
#		check for url's
// check to see if the string contains the letters 'www'
		if(stristr($tempMessage, "www"))		
// create empty string to append to
			$newMessage = "";			
// if so, explode the string into an array at each space
			$messageArray = explode(" ", $tempMessage);
// step through array
				foreach($messageArray as $word)
//check to see if word contains www		
					if (stristr($word, "www") === false)
// if not, append it to the new string						
						$newMessage .= " " . $word;					
// if so, strip the 'http://' off of it if included					
						$word = stristr($word, "www");
// format into a hyperlink (modify target frame)						
						$word = "<a href=http://$word target=_blank>$word</a>";
// append to new string						
						$newMessage .= " " . $word;										
// set equal to another var					
			$emailMessage = $newMessage;
// if 'www' is not in the string...
		if(!stristr($tempMessage, "www"))
// set to another var and move on			
			$emailMessage = $tempMessage;
#		Check for email's
// check string for '@' and '.' to see if it includes an email address
		if(stristr($emailMessage, "@") && stristr($emailMessage, "."))
// explode it if it does contain one			
			$messageArray = explode(" ", $emailMessage);
// create empty string to append to
			$tempMessage = " ";
// step through array			
				foreach($messageArray as $word)
// if the word is not an email address, append and move on
					if (stristr($word, "@") === false)
						$tempMessage .= " " . $word;					
// if it is, format it and append						
						$word = "<a href=mailto:$word?subject=Waddup>$word</a>";
						$tempMessage .= " " . $word;				
// else if no email addy in string set to var
				$tempMessage = $emailMessage;
// return the resultant string with URL's and emails formatted to hyperlinks			
		return $tempMessage;

good job!

Here’s my crappy version:


function parseURL( $message )
    $message2 = str_replace ( "[URL=" , "<a href=" , $message );
    $message2 = str_replace ( "" , "</a>" , $message2 );
    $message2 = str_replace ( "]" , ">" , $message2 );
    echo $message2;

$mymessage = "[kirupa](\"\)";

parseURL( $mymessage );


… Once again, with regex, you can do the above in a single statement, aside from the fact that the people at reccomend using regex’s functions rather than str_replace :slight_smile:

found an error but I added an else statement at the end to take care of case: url=true && email=false. Works now :thumb:

what about a url like my Ooooold site ?
no www in here…

AW that’s pretty cool, nice job

Good call eyezberg, although I am highly annoyed now, it’s a good point. :wink: I’ll fix it up when I get a chance.

honeslty what you should do is search for a string with two “.” and then parse that as your link… just add an HT**TP:// if it isn’t already there… etc etc

yeah but if only a link is posted then that’s out the window. I’ll add a loop to account for the case no ‘www’ but ‘http’ and it’ll be fine but i have to also strip the punctuation off of the end of the link b/c looking at it, “,” won’t work b/c the link will be to “,”

Thanks though Jubba.

uhm got a question what’s the difference between include() and require ?

Awligon, uhm can i use your script to check if the user places and email or a URL. I also made a shout box but it is a little buggy I want to make the name of the shoutee be the link to his/her email or website depending on whether he/she placed his/her email or url! I ended up placing both an email link and a url link. Also how can i not make it a link when the user didn’t or erronously enter something in the textfield.

Uhm i got a working sample here -->

And finally, i think loadVars took a little while longer to load data from the database compared to the loadVariables script I used in the Flash 5 version before. I don’t know maybe there’s a bug on my script?

//script i used to retrieve data...
view = new LoadVars();
view.retrieve = function(groupshout) {
	this.sendAndLoad("shoutlist.php?shoutgroup="+groupshout, view, "POST");
	this.onLoad = function(success) {
		shouts.html = true;
		if (success) {
			totalshouts = parseInt(this.totalshouts);
			amount.text = totalshouts;
			if (totalshouts>0) {
				shouts.htmlText = this.entries;
			} else {
				shouts.htmlText = "There are no entries in the shout box!";
		} else {
			shouts.htmlText = "The data didn't load.";

//script i used to post shouts...
		if (_parent.message.length<3 &&<3) {
			_parent.message.text = "Required"; = "Required";
		} else if (<3) { = "Required";
		} else if (_parent.message.length<3) {
			_parent.message.text = "Required";
		} else {
			_parent.note._visible = true;
			shouted = new LoadVars(); =; =; =;
			shouted.message = _parent.message.text;
			shouted.sendAndLoad("shout.php", shouted, "POST");
			shouted.onLoad = function(success) {
				if (success) {

wow. umm… feel free to use the script, but I have no clue what you are asking for or telling or what. Please clarify.