Seek to CuePoint added with Actionscript

Hi, I do not seem to be able to seek to a CuePoint added to my FLVPlayback component using the addASCuePoint method…

It is frustrating because the CuePoints I add with AS are firing an event on the MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT listener and I am able to get them using findCuePoint() to get their name, type, etc. As soon as I try seekToNavCuePoint I get an ‘Invalid Seek Error’.

I have tried setting the cue points type to ACTIONSCRIPT and NAVIGATION but neither works. I am doing this as a work around to a bug I have encountered when using seekSeconds(time) or see(time) to a time in the movie that is not currently currently loaded. When I do this the movie resets to 0 in the playhead…

Any advice welcomed. Thanks.