Selling Domains

With permission from kirupa first…

I recently registered two domains for a friend out of my own money . Figures he no longer needs them and I have no use for the. I am seeing if anyone would be interested in purchasing them.
Creation date: 27 Jul 2004 22:40:22
Expiration date: 27 Jul 2005 22:40:22 (still has site on their from my friend, but it will be gone soon so dont worry)
Creation date: 03 Sep 2004 14:31:46
Expiration date: 03 Sep 2005 14:31:46

Let me no if you are interested, prob going to be around 10 bucks for the two of them if you want, most likely less…


…yea, meh. Better than some names that people have tried to sell earlier though. - I’ll sell this fine domain name to the highest bidder!

1 dolla. I want it I want it I want it!

(back to topic)

I have-a-dollar canna I-see a two-a-dollar, one-dollar-going on-a-two-dollar, two-dollar-anybidders?!

and i’ll buy it off you for 50cents!! :p:

bidding usually goes up, or maybe I’ve been eBay-ing all wrong.

Sooold to the man thats bald!

(seriously back to the topic)

The Topic is Selling Domains, nobody said only his domains :stuck_out_tongue:

i’ll sell

it’ll work. i swear.

not much of a friend that let’s you foot the bill then decides not to use 'em!! :stuck_out_tongue:

anybody??? lol is not a bad name…especially for design.

Although I am good with mine. Thanks anyway man.

:lol: BTW…why the christ did you register ethan?!

ya both of those sites were used for designs by my friend…

Taking any offers…hell I dont care what it is :stuck_out_tongue:

Sometimes I shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet unsupervised. As some might know I own a ton of domain names and sometimes when I’m going on a buying spree things just happen into my cart. I use for buying domains as you can type in a few words and it gives you some options.

Well I don’t know what I typed in, but theLatinoFisherman was one of the suggestions… made me laugh for a while so I got it.

Why not purchase domains… you never know when some company named The Latino Fisherman wants to buy a domain. :smiley:

ok I guess no one is interested thanks anyways…

now going to sell for 5 bucks if anyone wants, IM withing next hr

Nah, I’m willing to wait till you start giving them away for free. :beam: