So I am sending a dynamic multi-line textField text to a database. Upon receiving it back, it doesn’t display it in multi-line format properly. I am also using htmlText, so it stores it all the font / size /etc in the database perfectly.
This code shows you the textField attibutes, both the text I create and send to MYSQL, and the text I get back also calls upon these exact attributes
TF.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
TF.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
TF.useRichTextClipboard = true;
TF.background = false;
TF.border = true;
TF.multiline = true;
TF.alwaysShowSelection = true;
TF.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF;
TF.doubleClickEnabled = true;
I tried
TF.wordWrap = true
when I called upon the text from the database. It at least made it multi-line, but it messed it up a bunch also. My text is only 3 lines, but with wordWrap, it made it 8 and made it look off.
Anyway, the text / font / color and everything comes in perfectly, except for the multi-line part.
Any ideas?
THANK YOU :write: :?) :sonic: