sendAndLoad()....not returning result

I’m creating a login in Flash that connects to a MySql database through PHP.
I’m using sendAndLoad() and the variables are being send to PHP without any prolems, however it does not seem to be returning any info resulting in a “invalid username/pass” message.

I’m fairly sure the problem lies in the PHP but not too sure where! Do I have to declare the result_lv variable in the PHP somewhere? How and where?

Any suggestions gratefully appreciated!



//connect to database

//if($username && $password){
//changed to just username to simplify for testing!

if ($username){
    mysql_pconnect("host", "name", "pass") or die ("didn't connect to mysql");
    mysql_select_db("artefac_database") or die ("no database");
//make query
$query = "SELECT * FROM 'users' WHERE username = '$username' ";
$result = mysql_query( $query ) or die ("didn't query");

    //if EXACT match
    $num = mysql_num_rows( $result );
    if ($num == 1){
        echo "sucess";
            } else {
        echo "no match ";

AS on Frame 1 -

//  classes. 
import mx.controls.*;

// strict type instances on the Stage.
var status_lbl:Label;
var username_lbl:Label;
var username_ti:TextInput;
var password_lbl:Label;
var password_ti:TextInput;

// change the colors of the labels
this.username_lbl.setStyle("color", 0x999999);
this.password_lbl.setStyle("color", 0x999999);

/* Define a click handler for the submit_btn Button instance, 
   which calls the checkForm function (defined below). */
submit_btn.clickHandler = function() {

/* Create a listener object  used with both the 
   username_ti and password_ti TextInput instances -
    "listens" for the "enter" event, 
   which triggers when the enter key is pressed. */
var formListener:Object = new Object();
formListener.enter = function(evt) {
username_ti.addEventListener("enter", formListener);
password_ti.addEventListener("enter", formListener);

// set the form focus to the username_ti TextInput instance.

/* define the checkForm function and use LoadVars to send login information to the server to validate. */
function checkForm() {
    // ensure that the username_ti field isn't blank.
    if (username_ti.text.length == 0) {
// if the username_ti field is empty, display an error message 
status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#FF0000\">Please enter user name.</font>";
        // set the form focus to the username_ti TextInput instance.
        // exit the checkForm function.
        return false;
    /* if the password_ti TextInput instance is blank, 
       display an error message and exit the checkForm function. */
    if (password_ti.text.length == 0) {
        status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#FF0000\">Please enter password.</font>";
        return false;
    // clear the status_lbl Label instance
    status_lbl.text = "";
    /* define two instances of the LoadVars object. 
       One is used to hold the variables being sent to the server-side script,
       and the other one is used to hold the variables returned by the 
       LoadVars.sendAndLoad method. */
    var result_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    var login_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    // copy the value of the two TextInput components into the login_lv LoadVars instance.
    login_lv.username = username_ti.text;
    login_lv.password = password_ti.text;
    /* send the variables in the login_lv instance to the server-side script 
       using the POST method (send as Form variables rather than along the URL) and place the results returned in the result_lv instance. */
    login_lv.sendAndLoad("", result_lv, "POST");
    // When the results are received from the server...
    result_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
        // If Flash is able to successfully send and load the variables from the server-side script...
        if (success) {
            // if the server returned the value of isValidLogin with a value of 1...
            if (this.isValidLogin == 1) {
                status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#009900\"><b>login successful.</b></font>";
                // else the login information wasn't valid
            } else {
                status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#FF0000\">invalid user name / password.</font>";
                // set the form focus to the username_ti TextInput instance and select the existing text.
                Selection.setSelection(0, username_ti.text.length);
            /* this code is only executed if for some reason the SWF is
               unable to connect to the remote page defined in LoadVars.sendAndLoad */
        } else {
            status_lbl.text = "<b>Unable to connect to login URL</b>";
            username_ti.enabled = false;
            password_ti.enabled = false;
            submit_btn.enabled = false;
    return true;