Hey Guys,
what i’m trying to do, is dynamicly loading in some XML Data from a Mysql Db and displaying it in table rows… works fine right now! But now i want to include a button which contains a link to a details page where more info can be found whatever. My Problem is to get the Id dynamicly into the Button. Currently i’m having a hidden textbox in the button which i fill with the dynamic ID, and on click read out this textbox to get the right ID. But…
Is there any way i can assign a special variable to this button, which i can read out later on? i don’t want this hidden textbox thingy…
hope someone understands what i mean…
the current code of the circle: (Comments are in german, sorry)
for (var i:int = 0; i < eventCount; i++) {
//Neue Row erzeugen
var newEntry:mc_table = new mc_table();
newEntry.txt_date.htmlText = eventInput.event.datum.text()*;
newEntry.txt_time.htmlText = eventInput.event.zeit.text()*;
newEntry.btn_firma.txt_firma.htmlText = eventInput.event.firma.text()*;
newEntry.txt_pax.htmlText = eventInput.event.pax.text()*;
newEntry.txt_status.htmlText = eventInput.event.status.text()*;
// X & Y definieren
newEntry.y = y_old + 22;
y_old = newEntry.y;
//Name vergeben
newEntry.name = "entry"+i;
newEntry.id = i;
//Listener hinzufügen
newEntry.btn_detail.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, clickBtn);
newEntry.btn_firma.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, clickBtn);
var eventID:Number = eventInput.event.id.text()*;
//EventId in die Row übergeben
newEntry.btn_detail.txt_detail.text = eventID;
//Detail Button Funktion
function clickBtn(event:MouseEvent):void {
//link aus der Textbox auslesen
var showEventId = event.target.txt_detail.text;
//Mach was mit der ID
txt_info.htmlText = showEventId;
Thx in advance