im trying to put together a section on my webpage where people can send me email. i had a friend set up the php aspect and tested it and it works. as for the flash part i set that up using a tutorial i found here:
so i have two questions:
1: i changed the initial actionscript to send the variables to a separate url (see below: the part that says “snowMailPHP.php”)as my server does not work with php. the php script then sends it to my email on my sever. when i test it out nothing is getting to my email box. any ideas?
2: how can i set this up so that after the email is sent by flash it will let the user know by saying “email sent” and clearing the forms…?
you can see my page at:
here is the actionscript i used on the send button:
on (release) {
if (!Email.length || Email.indexOf("@") == -1 || Email.indexOf(".") == -1) {
EmailStatus = “Please enter a valid E-mail address”;
else if (!FirstName.length) {
EmailStatus = "Please Enter your name before Sending";
else if (!ToComments.length) {
EmailStatus = "Please enter some text in you message";
else {
loadVariablesNum ("snowMailPHP.php", "0", "Post");
EmailStatus = "Sending... one Moment .. or two.. sometimes it's faster then other times";
much thanks for any advise!!!