Sending some data to PHP

I need some tips on how to send out some data to a PHP file. I have a project set up already where you vote for some options and that sends, but now I need to add some input text fields for people to enter some personal information. What I have right now are two fields with the vars of “name” & “email”

And here’s the code that is sending out the information to the PHP file:

submit.onRelease = function():Void


myLv.onLoad = function():Void
trace("data sent");
function sendVars():Void
    var len:Number = resultArray.length;
    for (i=1;i<len;i++)

I’ve tried a couple of different ways but so far all of them failed, they included creating another function like the “sendVars” function to send with the submit button and I also tried placing some code into the “sendVars” function relating to the “name” & “email” vars.

If anyone could provide some help on how to do this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much!