Sennheiser HD580!

Yeahh!! these babies came in the delivery today. They sound SO deliciously awesome. Every detail can be heard. :nat:

I got them for $179 USD, could have been cheaper (around $140) if it didn’t have to ship to Canada.

These are actually open, and I can hear stuff outside. But these are great in a room.


They look real, real, awsome!

I’d never spend that much on headphones…

Not that I really use headphones anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

i agree before i tried the 555’s. I can never look back now, the sounds is just so much better, i’m a music buf and i literally heard thing i have never heard before in music i’ve heard again and again over 10 years. Just amazing.

I’m definitely going to pick up a pair when I get the cash, they look awesome.

Now all I need is a decent sound card.

Yeah they are really good. These have perhaps the lowest $ per qualty ratio ever, and these are good.

lol nice… i spent my money on a pair of SURE in ear monitoring headphones… they sound really nice too

kinda a pain to put in though…aand I cant hear someone talking to me 2 feet away…