Senocular : a question

Ah, Lost has pointed out - Mdipi stalks you. :slight_smile:

I think it would be a nice / amusing thing to have as an optional field in your profile. :slight_smile:

is there a set minimum age for stalking?

Phil :

are you a member of NAMBLA? It sounds like you may “like Mike” a bit tooooo much :love:

and I’m a stalker, however, I am very private about my stalking, and have been known to stalk in disguise as well…

To me, it’s no fun if they know you are stalking them… shadows, my world is the shadows…


but how do you know if no one is stalking you…

Tuknuk stalks you…


I just found out I have to move within a month…

So I have spent the last couple hours looking over apt listings, trying to figure out the bullschidt from the facts…

This weekend will entail going and looking at 30 or so units in 2 days… I hate moving…
