I found senocular’s Path class through the thread AS3 Dot around path and it’s awesome, though I seem to have a bug?
Did a quick search for “senocular” and “path”, only the above mentioned thread appears. sorry if this is answered and please provide a link.
Hope you’re reading this senocular.
I’m doing this:
myPath.moveTo(200, 200);
myPath.lineTo(400, 200);
myPath.circleTo(500, 300, 400, 400);
graphics.lineStyle(3, 0, 1);
trace(myPath.pointAt(0)); // traces (x=0, y=0) instead of (x=200, y=200)
trace(myPath.pointAt(0.0001)); // traces (x=200.0837466339758, y=200)
If I let an object travel on the path with the pointAt function, it jumps to 0,0 at the beginning before going on the path correctly.
Or am I getting anything wrong?
Help appreciated, thanks!