
I really like your site’s new design.
Now, I thought, it’d be mighty cool if you’d do a tutorial on how you made that design, from the concept (what came 1st, site map, planned content, sections, layout, nav’ …?), via the graphic design & slice up, via export slices from FW to Dream, get that integrated into a template and then insert the dynamic content…if that’s how you did it…?

Didn’t know you’re so much into Fireworks too, cool, discovered some very good stuff from your link there :wink:

Whatcha think, folks, might be a run-down for a few pple on how to create a full (html) site?

If you got time, maybe as it’s still fresh, wouldn’t be too long?

(btw: cool Eolas is (almost?) dismissed!)

“free time”? what’s that? :wink:

that’s why you brought this up then…

the context menu thing… yeah that post reminded me of it today. I noticed when I searched, it was a good few pages back and the title only said “context menu” and nothing of the effect right-click which the guy had been looking for :slight_smile:

nice site sen…this is my first time going to it. Sen and I are true blue FW folks. I can help out with a tut on Using templates and Library items and slicing. Its all I do basically day in and day out. Sen did you design your site by yourself?

I seriously believe that if more schools taught Fireworks before they taught Photoshop, PS sales would drop drastically.

I know, PS can do a lot that FW can’t. I just see a limited demand for that kind of work anymore.

nice site sen.

good point rev…I think FW is just solid at what it does…hey sen did you use that overlapping slices thing you were developing a while back on this site?

Like I mentioned in your comment field sen, your site’s design is excellent. Btw, have you considered creating a forum style that uses the same color/design scheme? I’m sure it would be a hit because everyone seems to really like the colors and shapes used on your site :rambo: