I’m starting with designs now? But witch program is best?
I can get Fireworks MX, Paint Shop Pro 7 and Adobe Publisher…
Are there other good programs too?
Let me know…
thnx :sleep:
I’m starting with designs now? But witch program is best?
I can get Fireworks MX, Paint Shop Pro 7 and Adobe Publisher…
Are there other good programs too?
Let me know…
thnx :sleep:
nearly everyone seems to use photoshop, probably because it is so extensive, and much more in depth than the other proggies you mentioned (except i dunno about publisher)
if you’re looking at web design, your needs will be a bit different. FlashMX is probably the program of choice, as flash sites can be soo much better than html if they’re made well. However, if you are interested in html, i think macromedia dreamweaver is good, but i’ve never actually used it so i dunno
i know of people who have used PSP or fireworks instead of PS, but if you want the best, i guess it’d have to be photoshop (PS)
however, photoshop also carries a hefty price tag (i think it’s about 800 us?) so you really have to weigh up your options
hope it helps
Best bang for the buck = Fireworks MX…
both vector and raster (so is PS7), and is made for the web, but half the price of PS…
I have used FW since it’s inception (my PS skills suffered because of it), but I have PS just because it is so popular, I just don’t use it very often…
If you like the incredible digital art that Edwin and the rest do, then yes, get PS… If you are going to do print work, then PS…
If it’s the web you’re getting into, then FW MX…
wait wait wait wait wait… Photoshop 7 is vector!!! Since when? How? I have 7 and I can’t find anything that says vector anywhere…
I think Rev was refering to PS7 as being raster as well.
Didiusthegreat, if you’re planning on designing then the 2 you definitely need is either Photoshop or Fireworks. Those 2 are the backbone of any real designer so you should start with 1 of those 2 programs. If I knew about Fireworks before I started with Photoshop then I would of probably went with Fireworks. Like Rev said, its both vector and raster so that’s like having Illustrator and Photoshop all in one program. But then again, I’ve said this to people before, its all about the designer and not the program. You can be working on the most advanced programs and still produce cr*p while someone working on a less advanced program produces art. So work with what you feel is best for you.
I agree with electrongeek.
Rev stands 100% behind Fireworks, because that is what he knows through and through, where I stand 100% behind Photoshop, because that is what I know through and through.
If you have the money to get both and the time to learn both equally, you will definitely have a one up there.
But really, it is what you prefer. I believe Adobe and Macromedia offer free trials of their products (I know Macromedia does, I tried to FW MX trial) where you can figure out which one you like better.
And I also agree with electrongeek because it is the designer and not the program. I have seen amazing works of art done in MS Paint. Yes… tis true, I have. With a lot of people (mostly the cheats who crack software) they get all these fancy programs but have no clue about art and create the tackiest crap anyone has ever seen.
I thought someone told me that PS is now vector and raster…
who was that?
I will have to do research…
Well with PS you can use the pen tool to create Raster looking shapes, but it isn’t raster as in Illustrator, Fireworks and Flash.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Well with PS you can use the pen tool to create Raster looking shapes, but it isn’t raster as in Illustrator, Fireworks and Flash. **
Lost, I think you meant vector looking shapes.
uh lost, i think you’re getting raster and vector confused…
i’m not 100% sure, but i really think that vector is the mathematically based stuff (illy, flash, freehand etc) while raster is the pixel-based stuff (paint programs)
so with PS you can use the pen to create VECTOR looking shapes etc…
ignore me if i’m wrong
LOL. I am getting nothing confused, but I wasn’t paying attention to what I was typing.
I was having a convo with my sister while typing.
My other sister just had her baby… a little girl
So I was distracted.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**My other sister just had her baby… a little girl
So I was distracted. **
They know what causes that now…
They know what causes what?
Pregnancy? If so… they knew that for a long time Rev…lol.
I think I will try them all!? I can get the software at my school (I am the webmaster of my schools site)
First I’ll start PSP. I’ve heard that one is the easiest to start with…
Then I’ll try Fireworks MX, and last Photoshop (the hardest???)
I think PSP Sucks. I didn’t like it at all. I would save at the highest quality and still get bleeding colors.
Luckily it was just the trial though, I am glad I didn’t waste my money on it and decided to go with Photoshop
Fireworks and Photoshop might be equal in difficulty to learn.
psp is cool has some cool features but as a standalone you will struggle. i find fireworks is easiest to learn, but it is geared mainly for vectors stuff (which is the best for me) I dont think no one knows all of ps7 capabilities really powerful program but i find it difficult to do certain things (vector that is). So I tend to use them equally. If you can get all three do it.
Hey rev any time you see the pen tool you know there is some vector going on there. Also paths that is a dead give away of a vector item.
*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**psp is cool has some cool features but as a standalone you will struggle. i find fireworks is easiest to learn, but it is geared mainly for vectors stuff (which is the best for me) I dont think no one knows all of ps7 capabilities really powerful program but i find it difficult to do certain things (vector that is). So I tend to use them equally. If you can get all three do it. **
I disagree that FW is mostly vector… It was designed originally to make the web designer’s job easier with optimization tools. I personally like the way you can take a vector image, rasterize it, apply filters, then optimize for the web, all in one program, very quickly.
FW only draws in vector, the rest is raster…
I agree, with you I mostly do custom logos and stuff so vector is for me. But fw raster capabilities are no where near ps, that is the reason I said “mainly” for vector. And I use them bot alot of times? But the FW MX interface kicks A$$
You should look into FW for doing any animated gifs you need, plus you should check into symbols, styles, and such…
Yes, PS is much more robust, and is geared toward Print Media, Where FW is geared towards the web…
I have a kinda animosity when it comes to Adobe, but that is personal… won’t go into that here, don’t need to burden anyone with my hassles…
Just one more tidbit. If you are using dreamwaver mx as your web authoring environment. Then a no brainer decision is to go with fireworks. The integration is amazing. Too much too list here but it is FANTASTIC and has shaved weeks off my production time. The ability to do library items, symbols vector to raster…
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