Serious Thread: ---- Dealing with a First Death

Hey everyone!

Well today when i was sleeping my dad woke me up and told me to immediately brush my teeth and get dressed. I asked him why and he said my grandmother (my mom’s mom) passed away in the early hours of the morning. She died of old age @ my country. I was shocked but not deeply affected for some reason. My mom and her siblings were with her.

Anyway i left with my dad to go down our building to my uncle (my mom’s brother) and once he opened the door, he, his wife, and my dad started crying, once i saw this i was deeply affected. My dad lived right next door neighbor to them when he was growing up and my grandmom was there when his mom died before i was born. So whole family is extremely close with each other. So i just stood at the door and then comforted my uncle and his wife. We talked for about 2 1/2 hours and me and my dad left. They are gonna be coming soon and a couple of other people we know.

So ya i dunno how to feel or anything. Like i knew my grandmother and we never argued or anything. Last time i saw her was the summer of '04 when i went to visit with my family. Ok i have this weird feeling, like the one where u do something bad and afraid of getting caught or guilty feeling. So this is the first death i have to deal with and i’m 18yrs old.