Is it possible to set where the mouse pointer starts from?
What you mean?
I think he means, when the movie starts, have the mouse cursor set at a default x,y coordinate…
i tried to use
setProperty(_root._xmouse, _x, 200);
setProperty(_root._ymouse, _y, 200);
but, that didn’t work
On my flash movie, I want to have the user start off with the mouse cursor in the top left hand corner of the flash player window. Is this possible? otherwise I’ll have to work out a work around.
No, it’s not possible.
yeah, I can probably see why not.
Would be so funny to have a flash footer that sucks up the mouse pointer if you run over it :trout:
Haha! Yeah, that would be funny indeed.
… And very annoying too.
_xmouse and _ymouse are read-only properties