Although the code posted by lorcas code should work, the correct sintax for the second method you tried, Rojo, is:
[AS]setInterval(_root.Menu, “loadMovie”, 6000, “02.swf”);[/AS]
Be careful though, the movie will reload every 6 seconds since the interval is never cleared.
Thank you both. I’m still having a bit of trouble though, if you don’t mind helping me further…
Lorcas, I put in your code and it did not work unfortunately. It seems like everything is all right there in the right places, but the movie won’t load.
Kode, that works great, but yes it keeps reloading. I tried to do the obvious:
Oops! I didn’t see those errors in the code!
[AS]function loadDelay() {
blah = setInterval(loadDelay, 6000);[/AS]
…Sorry, I should have read carefully.
I renamed the empty MC from ‘Menu’ to ‘Character’ because I forgot something else was named ‘Menu’ too! That wasn’t the problem though, but I renamed it anyway to avoid further headaches.
Well, I changed the named function to an anonymous function and it worked right away. :-
[AS]loadDelay = function () {
blah = setInterval(loadDelay, 6000);[/AS]
I don’t know what’s the problem with the named function, though. :-\