setInterval Question

Just trying to use setInterval in a class … :slight_smile: mmmm… :a:

I can’t seem to get my params passed through though.

Here is the main .fla file calling the class:

 var clips:Initialize = new Initialize(this); 
 clips.init("title", o, alphaBlur, 1000, 14, 12, 81);

And here is the class (thus far):

import as.classes.Transition;
class as.classes.Initialize {
 private var clip:MovieClip;
 private var time:Number;
 private var xPos:Number;
 private var yPos:Number;
 private var t:MovieClip;
 private var trans:Function;
 public var onStage:Array;
 private var intervalId:Number;
 private var appear:Function;
 function Initialize(mc:MovieClip) {
  t = mc;
  onStage = new Array();
 public function init(mc:String, o:Object, trans:Array, time:Number, alpha:Number, xPos:Number, yPos:Number) {
   var clip:MovieClip = t.attachMovie(mc, mc, t.getNextHighestDepth(), {_alpha:alpha, _x:xPos, _y:yPos});
   var effect:Transition = new Transition();
   for (var i = 0; i<trans.length; ++i) {
    effect[trans*.func](clip, trans*, alpha);

ok … everything works without the setInterval. However when I pass the ‘time’ param through to the init method, I would like the clip to come in at the that time. So right now the ‘title’ clip should appear 1000ms into the main timeline. Right now it jsut appears … 0ms into the main timeline. Any ideas?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile: