Setting the state of a movieclip based on hours and minutes

Hi there. I’m trying to have a movieclip move to a certain frame when it’s 2:30 during the day. Seems straight forward enough but not getting the results I want. I have tried several different methods. Here are the 3 different methods I’ve tried so far:

function getGameTime():void {
var my_date:Date = new Date();
var currentHour:Number = my_date.getHours() + my_date.getMinutes();
    if (currentHour < 14) {
    trace("game is later");
    else if (currentHour > 14) {
    trace("game time!");

function setTime():void{
    trace("game is later");

function changeTime():void{
    trace("game time");

^that one thinks it’s always game time, plus I’m not sure how to pass the minutes variable.

var eventDate:Date = new Date();
 eventDate.setHours(14, 30);
 var now:Date = new Date();

 var delay:Number = eventDate.time - now.time;

 if( delay > 0 )//if we haven't yet passed 14:30
   var timer:Timer = new Timer(delay , 1);
   timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, changeTime );

function changeTime(e:TimerEvent):void{
    trace("hi I'm working");

^this one isn’t doing anything

Any help/clarity here would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!