Shadow Filter

ok how can you do this, for example let say that I want to use the Shadow filter in Flash 8 in my whole SWF … so in the first frame I got this .

import flash.filters.*; 
var ds:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter(0,90,0x000000,1,10,10,1,3,false,false,false); 
middleCube.filters = [ds];

and what happend here is that I just can use this when the code and the MC (middleCube) are in the same frame … so if i have this movie clip called “middleCube” in another frame or inside another MC how can use the same Var [ds] without repeating the all the above (import falsh.filters.*; … etc ) in the other parts of my movie as well ?
there is anyway to do this.
