Shadowing on Adobe Photoshop 7.0

The height of hypocrosy:

After he said this:

And this:

And wanting to find an easier way to “tattle”:

I watch America’s home Video’s . . . theres one where some kid is doing a bike stunt and misses his mark, the bike tips over and the kid bang his chest and head against a concrete flower planter . . . .

sure I laught at home . .

but it wasn’t funny the kid probably broke a rib or fractured his jaw . . . .

I am sure all the kids at Collumbine high school thought it was funny when they made fun of those two kids . . .

we saw how that turned out . . .

if you think it’s funny cool . . . explain to me why you thought it was funny
prove it


Woohoo! A heated debate complete with intelligent analogies :hugegrin:

Allow me to then pre-apologise for dragging it back to the playpen - Gpdesigner; shaddappayaface.

~ le fini ~

  1. Extreme examples.

  2. Faster just threw in a joke, the original question was answered, so whats your beef?

yes . . yes they are extreme.

. . . with just the same rightiousness you think it was a joke,
. . . I didn’t
. . . if you think it was funny prove it.

Hmmm, don’t know how to answer this without getting unruly, but since I promised long ago I wouldn’t be unruly on Kirupa ever again, I would just say that, politeness is a good thing.

You may think it’s a joke because you have been here a bit and it’s all inside, but to someone who hasn’t it’s rude . . . .


First of all, you can’t ‘prove’ jokes. Either its funny to you or its not. Second, if its not, as long as its not insulting, its fine. Third, how was that an inside joke? I see no specifics relating to KForum at all.

I don’t have the time to explain this to you as I am off to work, (work) that’s what your dady does . . . so take time during your busy day and read this:

then when you are finished, try to apply this to the sarcastic remark previously made.

this is actually what you meant as your “First of all” and you are right,
you can’t detemine funny, funny is to different people, different things . .
and at least 2 people in this thread didn’t think it was funny . .
which brings you to the last . . .

why not ask Serina25 if they were insulted 'cause you don’t count.

I have no time to explain to you what an inside joke is . . .,
that’s the point of an inside joke, it isn’t written it’s implied . . . and if you can’t see how this was not a joke . . . . there are obviously greater issues.

Look we can go on with this thread until you graduate from High school
I have other stuff to do . . . just get your last word in and youre the hero . .


Well, we could take a poll on who thought it was funny or not.
But I doubt that would change anyone’s mind.

The question was a little vague because it depends on what you are shadowing.

I shadow text differently than someone standing (or sitting).

The “style” drop shadow is quick but limited.

You can use the “burn” tool to add touches to the shadow.

However, she did say version 7 which does not have the “warp” tool. The warp tool is very handy in manipulating a shadow.

But still, you can select the portion you want to apply a shadow to and copy it to a new layer and move it with the transform tools and apply modes and opacity to it.

Bottom line; I think they got the answer they were looking for.

Look we can go on with this thread until you graduate from High school
I have other stuff to do

I believe I already suggested that. No mods came tho :frowning:

Maybe gpdesigner should finally grow up and learn to just walk away
i’m notifying a mod to close this thread before gpdesigner slides another flame in under the radar

Wow this got lame very quickly, I can’t believe some people took it this seriously… I mean come on… whats a forum without a few rambunctious teenagers doing their thing… its called… get ready for it… ready? its called… LIFE… and with life comes circumstances beyond your control. mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn theres some lame-o kids hanging around here.

edit Oh and I would probably care more about your point of view GP if you were the thread starter asking for help… Alas you weren’t and I can’t find anywhere on this page where Serina got angry for me typing that message so why must you take it upon yourself to fight other people’s battles when they themselves dont seem to have a problem with the problem in the first place.

Hey . . . I am by no means battling anyone for anyone, Teenage angst is fine, I did some myself, but I think times have changed a bit.

Imagine this for a second. you may be new to photoshop . . youre doing a project and you get hung up on something. So you do a google search and come accross thia really cool site with a bunch of young and talented people.

you sign up . . . you register, and you make your post

Shadowing on Adobe Photoshop 7.0

you sit there for an hour or 2 doing other stuff waiting for an answer to your question . . . then you see the post reply is “1”

so you rush on back and you open the thread and this is what is waiting for you

:beer: nice going . . .

some cool people replied and helped Serina25 out . . and then Serina25 replied with a short Thank you . . . 2 posts that all they have.

No . . . I wouldn’t come back here either.
I am just voicing my opinion like everyone has the right to. Believe it or not , I respect the fact that you think the remark was funny and harmless,
trust me I do . . . .
I just disagree with that. I wish no one ill will . . in fact when you get to drinking age, I will buy you a beer :beer:
I just think that new people on the forum should be given a bit more slack, so they will enjoy a return visit . . .
Now if Fester or DDD makes a post like that . .
then slam away . . . . :to:

wow i think you guys need to chill… faster just made a joke, it adds character to the forum… I would not go home and turn emo and cry if someone replied to my post like that…

I think you need to lighten up gpdesigner … and not do things like bring in actual rude comments like “(work) that’s what your dady does” (you spelt daddy wrong btw) and “until you graduate from High school” :wink:

just cool it, it was a joke… no harm was done until you came in and started a fight :slight_smile:

so why must you take it upon yourself to fight other people’s battles when they themselves dont seem to have a problem with the problem in the first place.

Exactly. Serina doesn’t need you to fight her battles.

In case you didnt notice, I answered her question at 01:34 PM, Faster replied at 01:29 PM. I’m sure she didn’t check the thread between those times.

I don’t see why its a problem to crack a joke in a thread, obviously Faster couldn’t understand her request. 5 miutes later, I replied with an answer to her problem. Any damage done? No.

As for being given slack, how does this apply? It wasn’t a berating comment, it was just his way of expressing that he couldn’t understand the request being made, whatever reason it may be.

Sorry for being so argumentative with you but I can’t help it. Which is why I stick by my earlier suggestion that a mod close this thread down.

Guys/gals the thread-starter’s question has been answered. Let’s drop it.

[whisper](hope I didnt offend gpdesigner:rambo: :-/ :hurt: )[/whisper]

Ok, gp, this is my final message to you.
If its your business to start a silly argument over something so ridiculously small thats fine… whatever. I just want you to please step back and look at it in the grand context of things. This forum has over 40,000 members and a huge amount of posts and threads. I don’t mean to be rude towards Serina, but this thread and everything in it means JACK. If your going to go around trying to save the world and pick apart everyone’s message towards you and flip every argument to your advantage using outrageous far fetched examples every time something ridiculous like this happens, I just want you to know how big of a job you have.

And I’ll take you up on that beer offer if you mission to Toronto… I am not some incessant 12 year old, I’m in college studying web design, so I myself browse this forum for help with questions I have and using what knowledge I have I try and help others when I can. So please don’t brand me as someone I’m not based on one silly post.

I think we all have learned something valuable reading this thread.

OK . . . . I will (leave) your little piece and harmony alone . .
you all can continue on . . . . but before I go . . .

but waite . . . I thought that was funny . . . how come my funnies are rude . . Hmmmmmmm

Are you attacking my spelling . . I have fat fingers . . I miss sometimes
Don’t make me follow you around the forum correcting your spelling . .
I will . . . . .

there is still no harm being done . . . as I said I am not made or arguing . .
why are you . . .

Ok I am out of this thread . . . see ya

:book: :h: :puzzled: :stunned: :sen: :wasted: (JK) didnt insult anyone did I ?

:thumb: (Yes there are lots of ways to shadowing, I myself learnt few)

[ot] Kirupa forum has one of the best sets of smileys [/ot]