Theres a tut here: on shape tweening using text…ive done the tutorial 3 times, and all three times it hasnt worked. Is it the tutorial, or me? All im wanting to do is (exactly what the finished product on the tut looks like) i want it to say “text1” and then convert into “text2” like it does on the example on the tut
Did you break apart the text and add a shape tween?
yes, to both…i dont know what is wrong…but what it does when i view it is “it waits for a long time and then really quickly just flashes the text it was suppose to change to. It never displays the first text.”
Here is one of kirupa’s old tutorials on a morphing effect, but with shapes. It gives a much better visual that the tutorial you had in that link:
If you still have problems then I could always help you on AOL Instant Messenger (AIM): methodan48
Make sure its broken apart in every frame. Try posting the .FLA if you really cant figure it out
thanks! ill try all of that. you said make sure its broke apart in every frame, but i cant even see it in every frame, just the first and the last…then theres a dotted line that connects the first frame to the last frame (which is a keyframe)
Is the tween color [color=purple]purple[/color] or [color=green]green[/color]? Click on the last frame of your morph and press Ctrl+B and select the first frame of your morph and press Ctrl+B. Reply back if you have any more problems! =)
its green. After tweening, i went and clicked on the first frame and broke it apart and repeated it for the last (like you suggested) and now its working! thankyou much! one quick question, is there a way to make it so that just the first frame shows for a bit longer so its easier to read? and the last frame? but the rest stay the same speed?
No problem, glad I could help. Don’t ever hesitate to come back and ask more questions, I need something to do while at work!
one quick question, is there a way to make it so that just the first frame shows for a bit longer so its easier to read? and the last frame? but the rest stay the same speed?
Yea, but the easiest way is to redo it. Start by making your text in the first frame, then making another keyframe down the timeline a bit (F6). At the second keyframe, start your tween.