Shared Object not working on server


I have followed the tutorial on Shared Objects with possitive results, and have found answers in the forums, only thing is, as soon as I get my files on the server VERY strange things start happening. (Locally there is no problem)

I have two files in the same folder (on the server and locally)

file1 = “myStore.swf” <- embedded inside “store.html”

var user_so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("savedText", "/");
function pay():Void{ = ""
submitButt.onRelease = pay;

file2 = “confirmation.swf” <- embedded inside “confirmation.php”

var user_so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("savedText", "/");
box3.text =;

Now, in “file1” inside the pay() function I also have a myData.send action. If I click on the futton which sets the email_so, a window pops up to load the URL that the myData.send points to. If I quickly cose this window before data loads inside of it and go the the “confirmation.php” URL (again, in the same directory as the myStore.html file) then the shared object works no problem.

If, instead, I allow the myData.send page to load, and I walk through the steps I am supposed to (it is an email and payment verification form) and then return to the “confirmation.php” page, I do NOT see the shared object.

email_so is a uniquely named variable. I don’t know what on earth happens tat somehow the same action (clicking a button) both works and doesn’t work depending on if the myData.send page loads. Any ideas at all? I’ve tried to trouble shoot this thing for a couple of days now and just can’t figure it out.


i have never used shared objects myself but this is worth a look.


I’m pretty sure tha that does not address the issue (shared object saves data on your computer, it isn’t server specific which is why it is such a mystery to me). Thanks for trying to help though.

I miss Australia. Grew up in Canberra. Cheers.


Are you using SO.flush() to force flash to write data to the file? That may help…?


worked. Not sure why, because as far as I can tell it should only be checking for enough space to load the data no?

Well, I wont complain! Thanks for the idea!


hi every body ,
i’m also concerned in this matter , but i think that Sahred object is like cookies , it only can be saved on ur PC

but i hope flash can do it