i have a crazy issue with ShareObject.
my preloader retrieve data from FlashVar and should forward them (thanks ShareObject) to my main swf file.
however, the main movie/swf file, receive no data as ShareObject.
here is the code of my preloader:
// retrieve data from FlashVars
var lng = root.loaderInfo.parameters.lng;
var theme = root.loaderInfo.parameters.theme;
//create the local Shared Object
var mySo:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("Settings");
var SoResult;
if(lng != null && theme != null)
mySo.data._lg = lng;
mySo.data._theme = theme;
SoResult = mySo.flush();
here is my main mvie/swf file code which retrieve this ShareObject:
//create the local Shared Object
var mySo:SharedObject;
mySo = SharedObject.getLocal("Settings");
var lg:String;
var theme:String;
if(mySo.data._lg != null && mySo.data._theme != null)
lg = mySo.data._lg;
theme = mySo.data._theme;
but “lg” is undefined as also “theme”
I’ve checked if data send to preloader via FlashVars were correctly received by my preloader and it’s ok.
So, where could be the problem ?
thanks a lot,