Ships Blue Fire Effect

If I model a futuristic ship in Maya - I will edit it in Photoshop. So I’m gonna add some fire for the acceleration boost of course.

I was wondering if anyone had a photoshop (or maya) tutorial on how to make the blue fire boost that comes out of the exhaust pipes and stuff :).


show us a reference photo of the effect you are after. Do you have AE? May be easier to do it there then extract a single frame for more realism.

Alright - here are some shots :). Pretty much like the ones at 2A.

those can be done in PS…by making a circle (white shape layer) then duplicating it. Now on the circle above, blur it a nice amount but still be able to see the over all shape. Then with the circle below blur it alot to create your halo effect. Now on the below try a blend mode of luminous or vivid light. Then with the circle above try over lay or soft light. This is the overall way to do it. Of course this is a freestyle from the head but this should be enough to get you edging in that direction. PLay with different colors, blend modes and blur modes. And if you want to get real fancy play with displacement maps around the exhaust to distirt your picture where the heat comes out.

DDD - I know how to do the overall structure :P. What I meant, to be more specific, was how do I make the fire not so perfect. If you look at it, it’s really all in different directions at the edge. Maybe I use the smudge tool at a 10-20 point radius and smudge some edge points :).

sometimes distorting cloud layers gives off a nice color dodge, dont know any particular tut about it though…

my idea was just to get you started I was hoping you would get the idea and play with it from there. Different blurs, shears, even feathered selections are all things you can do to get the random effect. Do it in AE to get the real deal tho.