hey! i was wondering is there a way to make a shoping cart for my website… without using a database… i jsut have about 10 items i want to sell… please help
Well if you only have 10 items then you may just want to make an HTML page listing the items.
tru…jubba…unless you are trying to carry info from page to page or something in that case you can look to ASP. Sending info via a query string or cookies.
Well you would set up an HTML page where you could select which items you wanted and then use a submit button to action an ASP or PHP script to carry the info or import it from a Text file. Lots of ways to go on this one…
but i want to do credit card verification and … stuff like that too… i want to check the credit card and charge them…for the stuff they are buying
… (sorry im kinda new to this)…:hangover:
you will probably need a database to store the user information. much more efficient and secure…
do a search of the forums for “credit card form” and you will find a few threads with an answer.
dude you will definitely need a database for that if you want to take credit card info. Also I would recommend SSL for encryption…But that is very expensive…But these days it is so easy to capture someones credit card without it. So it is not worth it with out some sort of encryption. Look into ecommerce laws before you just throw a shopping cart up.