Should be simple: xml problem

i’ve populating a very simple list of links with xml. i need the attached mc’s button (inside the mc) to load the correct URL from the xml array created by flash. it’s only loading the last URL from the array. frustrating…! it seems like it should work:

//create new xml object
list_xml = new XML();
list_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
chosenxml = "linklist.xml";
//set variables for thumbnail spacing
var columns=1;
var list_spacing = 48;
//set .onLoad function for when xml loads
list_xml.onLoad = function (success)
    if (success)
		menuItems = list_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
   	 for (var i=0; i<menuItems.length; i++) {
      item = _root.listcontainer_mc.attachMovie("listClip", "listClip" + i, i,);
      item._x = (i%columns)*list_spacing;
      item._y = Math.floor(i/columns)*list_spacing;
	  _global.urlToLoad = menuItems*.attributes.urltoload;
	  linkName = menuItems*;
	  linkDetails = menuItems*.firstChild.nodeValue;

item.title_txt.text = linkName;
item.description_txt.text = linkDetails;
item.linkButton_btn.onRelease = function(){
	getURL(urlToLoad, _blank);

//trigger xml load