Xml & get URL...stuck in the mud!

okay, i’m stuck. I’ve done stuff with flash/xml before but can’t seem to figger this one out. basically i’ve got a really simple xml file and my flash is pulling what i need from it nicely. the problem is i’m creating a little function to make the menu items i’m generating dynamically call URL’s. The menu items are all linking to the last URL in my array (from xml). It’s as if my variable “i” is not being applied in my function (that is the var i use to loop through the nodes). When i trace the variable that containers the array though I can see each URL in the correct order, etc. I’m stumped!!! check it out:

//create new xml object
list_xml = new XML();
list_xml.ignoreWhite = true;

//set variables for thumbnail spacing
var columns=1;
var list_spacing = 48;
//set .onLoad function for when xml loads
list_xml.onLoad = function (success)
    if (success)
		menuItems = list_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
   	 for (var i=0; i<menuItems.length; i++) {
      item = _root.listcontainer_mc.attachMovie("listClip", "listClip" + i, i);
      item._x = (i%columns)*list_spacing;
      item._y = Math.floor(i/columns)*list_spacing;
      item.urlToLoad = menuItems*.attributes.urltoload;
	  linkName = menuItems*.attributes.name;
	  linkDetails = menuItems*.firstChild.nodeValue;

loadThis = item.urlToLoad;	
item.title_txt.text = linkName;
item.description_txt.text = linkDetails;

item.linkButton_btn.onRelease = function(){
	getURL(item.urlToLoad, _blank);}

	 }} }

//trigger xml load
