I’m a prospective engineering student and I’m curious if there’s even the slightest chance that MIT would even read my applications (my main plan is a state school or a less selective private school like Renesellear).
Anyway, my unweighted GPA is a 3.5 (as a freshman I fooled around and got all Bs and Cs, but since than its been all As and only 1 B). My weighted GPA is 4.0
My SAT will probably be in the 750-780 range (I haven’t gotten results yet, but I knew all of the questions but 2).
The vast majority of my classes are honors, however I’ve only taken one AP class so far but I plan on taking 4 more (most of the classes follow a linear track, and you can’t really take the AP early on).
Its like lottery, “Gotta be in it to win it”. When I was sending my high school tapes out to colleges. I felt the same way. Like would they even look at it. Well the college I wanted to, did and I got a full ride Div 1 basketball scholarship.
Hmmm… Well, I want to apply to the colleges that I can reasonably get into. My class rank is at the bottom of the top 20%. I’m not sure if MIT even accepts people at that level of academic performance
[ot]DDD: You went to college on a basketball scholarship? Wow… :P[/ot][/QUOTE]
Yup played semi-pro too…But I was always a design geek on the inside.
[ot]:lol: our classmate went to a prestigious high school because of basketball too:)[/ot]
apply. i might even try, even though i’m not in the us. next year.
go for it. no harm in trying:)
@Al6200: worst that happens is you apply to MIT and they reject you like they do thousands of other students=no biggie. best that happens is you get into MIT=big pimpin. my advice is apply to a schools in different ranges: safety, reasonable, and stretch. MIT might be a stretch, but you never know.
One thing though is that there is a registration fee of about $200 for the application (for MIT grad school anyway). So don’t apply like 5 times, cause you’ll be billed for it.
undergrad applications usually aren’t that expensive. you also have to think about the relative cost: after all, a $65 application fee is nothing compared to the tuition, books, room and board you’ll pay while attending school.
[quote=Al6200;1984786]I’m a prospective engineering student and I’m curious if there’s even the slightest chance that MIT would even read my applications (my main plan is a state school or a less selective private school like Renesellear).
Anyway, my unweighted GPA is a 3.5 (as a freshman I fooled around and got all Bs and Cs, but since than its been all As and only 1 B). My weighted GPA is 4.0
My SAT will probably be in the 750-780 range (I haven’t gotten results yet, but I knew all of the questions but 2).
The vast majority of my classes are honors, however I’ve only taken one AP class so far but I plan on taking 4 more (most of the classes follow a linear track, and you can’t really take the AP early on).
So do I even have a chance at MIT?[/quote]
Sorry , but looking at past statistic, you probably won’t make it, no harm in applying though.
SAT is out of 2400…not 800.
They are looking for an SAT score of 2350, and a GPA of 4.8+
The SAT is 3 sections. Each is worth 800. The reason I didn’t post a score out of 2400 is that many colleges don’t look at the writing section and simply look at your math and reading autonomously. My weighted GPA is 4.0, but that’s really far away from 4.8 (BTW WHO ON EARTH CAN GET A GPA OF 4.8!?!)
I know the 4.8 is a weighted result, but that means almost all of your classes are the most advanced level possible, and that you got As in everything. My weighted GPA is only 4.1
Go for it, I dont understand anything you said in your first post, as in england we do it a weird way and dont have GPA and our SATs are given levels, and so yeah.
harish, your a freshmen? wow im surprised. its 3.75/4 (what they require). which averages to a 95ish. i checked yesterday. im trying so hard yet it still isnt good enough. i want to go to MIT so badly and if i dont get in i will be really upset. i’ve been wanting to go there for 3 years and im only a freshmen. go for it man, no regrets, think about it ~$100 or a regret for the rest of your life…your choice
my GPA out of 4 unweighted is a 3.7