Hey i’m in the process of making this kinda banner style, should I keep going w/ it, or leave it as is?
i think it looks really cool, although the snowboarder (i guess) could look a bit better
you know in the middle of the snowboarder or whatever there are arrows and the other rectangle stuff…i think they should blend in more. not too sure though actually :-/
try to make copies of this guy wit lesser alpha (90 then 80 then 70 and so on…)
should look cool
btw good work
I think it looks pretty cool.
Everyone, I don’t think it’s a snowboarder, if it was… don’t you think his feet would be attatched to the board… hmmm.
But Yeah, great job… I love the arrows. I can’t decide if I love them or if they are too much. lol
maybe he’s sk8board’R
hehe :beam:
There’s wheels on the board. Skateboard, i think.
Keep going, but I’d like more color.
you know what would be sick? try to get the whole trasition of the skater and then fad them in and out! and bring the pixel strech out to the sides.
I hope you can take this comment constructively, but I don’t know if you will…
I don’t really like the colors.
But I have real screwed up tastes. Other than that, I think it’s great, and yes, you should keep going.
hey guys! Awesome, glad to most everyone is diggin it I just got my dual monitors set up:beam:
midipi: that would look DOPE huh?! I’m gonna try that man, good thinkin…, i’ll post it what i do that.
and yes everyone, it’s a skateboarder! lol
aisilin: no I take everyone’s comments as constructive feedback, don’t worry about it man.
iight cool cant wait to see it! yeah man it should look real nice.
I don’t know what the heck dippy was talking about, so I’ll just wait till I see the new one, and then compare it with the old one, and maybe I’ll figure it out.
i love it
Yo is that blood on the left i see?
it looks pretty good…i like the way it fades out
but then the border seems to end pretty abruptly, don’t u think?
alright, I’ve updated it. I don’t really know if I like what i’ve done. It was so freakin hard to find a sequence shot that I wanted. so I just made my own. (midipi, you can probably tell that’s not an actuall sequence…but how did I do? looks almost like one huh?) bu anyway, you guys be the judge. I think I might change it if noone likes it. (and i’m still not done by the way…the shapes on the right are just to fill space for right now.
ahmed: Thank you!
blah-de-blah: I fixed what I think you were talking about? does it look allright now?
fluid_0ne: I also did what you suggested. Look allright?
xxviii: Good eye, it’s a skateboarder! hehe, and yea, i can’t really decide if the arrows are too much either.
El Phantom: still trying to see where I can add more color.
porpous2: thanks man!
hsadan: you can call it blood;)
btw…just learned how to use the pen tool. hense the wierd graphic to the right.:crazy: