Splash pic

keep in mind im a noob :stuck_out_tongue:
This was made in photoshop

it will be awesome if I can get feedbacks from you guys
thanx in advance and merry christmas!

Pretty cool, I likes.

A bit trendy though :-\

Are you a big fan of The Apex Theory (band)? They are really good.

thanx hehe naw i just like the word apex ;D

Oh ok then :slight_smile: Well you should listen to them =) them and Aphex Twin :bad:

Looks pretty nice :slight_smile:
i like the colours

i love it. my only suggestion is the arrowsā€¦gotta goā€¦<:}

merry X-Mass (we are getting a white one!)

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
my only suggestion is the arrows

I think the same ā€¦

forgetting about them ā€¦ pretty cool!!

I love it! :stuck_out_tongue:

but, for pure symbiosis, straighten that left arrow, the crooked one. :slight_smile:


thanx guys! ya i think i sould get rid of the arrows :*(
thanx again for your feedbacks

mdipi.com - itā€™s raining here <:}

I think the arrows can stay but it is the slanted one that is throwing off the whole scheme of things. If you look at your image everything is straightlines up and horizantal. That slanted arrow really crashes the scheme. Also you may wanna try a layer blend and make them part of background and not the foreground. Just my opinion

thanx iva :smiley:

i like it!!

I agree about the arrow things, i think it will look better witout them.

Where did u get the pic from??


ummmā€¦Iā€™m not sure if you did it on purpose but itā€™s spelled ā€œDesignā€ <:}

Good eye DJ. I didnā€™t pick that up before.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Good eye DJ. I didnā€™t pick that up before. **
no prob

Looks greatā€¦just didnt want him miss that :beam:

I think it is a really good startā€¦ but I really hate the arrows as stated by others, but also I think you need to dump the text and start over with itā€¦ the background os great and has much potential, but the typo really riuns the whole tihng for meā€¦ as I said - Iā€™d scrape the text and start fresh, Im sure youll get it right in the end!
