if it’s every one second, it’s not manually, but you could use setInterval
What do you mean it’s not manually? I’m weak at actionscript. Can you help me out?
if you refresh every one second, it would be automatic, to refresh manually you would need a button that says refresh on it that would refresh it. to do it every one second you could use setInterval, run a search for setInterval, you will find tons of stuff :thumb:
Ah ok. So let me change my words. I want it to refresh automatically without pressing a button.
see ur other thread, that’s how you do it is with setInterval
here r the php scripts. I can;t upload the fla file cuz its too big. Give me your email address and i’ll send it to u over there.
btw, i commented out the old sentences in the php scripts in case u needed them
goto **** username is *** password is *** you’ll be able to upload it there thanks again
done ;). and yea, did u want it to appear in flash too? I didnt know so i didnt bother doing that.
yeah, eventually, but I’m going to try doing that, I believe I know how, it’s just a matter of loading the text file in right?
yup, dats all u need. I noticed one more thing though. In the memberstitle text box and members content text box, u use shoutbox.txt for it. But in the php scripts, u dont write those variables to file, and therefore wont b able to laod them in flash. Just wondering if u knew that
oops, i think i meant data.txt lol i’ll fix that
hehe, no problem. Good luck with ur site!
hmmm… it still isn’t working i dono what’s wrong… www.barbdwyer.com/T6
Have u placed the file in the same directory?
yeah, i just reuploaded them again though
nevermind, it works!! YAY!! thank you soooooooooooooo much!! I owe you man, if you ever need anything, just ask, if i can help you i will
now, is there a way to have the window that opens up close after it posts it?
lol. Man, u had me sweating all over. phew! Ure welcome
hmm, i think there is. let me find out
OK, thanks