u want the window to close after adding to the text file?
and also, is there a way to insert a variable name in front of the entire thing so I can load it into flash (ie Data=THEN WHAT IS ALREADY THERE) ?
yes, so that the only window open still is the flash movie
function closeit(){
<SCRIPT language = "javascript">
$filename = "shoutbox.txt";
$fp = fopen($filename,"r");
$Data = fread($fp, 80000);
fclose( $fp );
//$DataArray = split (".:::.", $Data);
//Put in the starting tag and the ending tag number
//for ($n = 0; $n < 20; $n++) {
//print $DataArray[$n];
print $Data;
Add this to shoutbox.php
add it at the end? like after the ?>
thanks, it works, but is there any way to get around the popup box that asks if you want to close the window?
Overwrite it
OK, thanks
ure welcome
can it be saved in the text file though as Data=“THEN THE TEXT” ? and how can you disable the box asking if you really want to close it?
Yes it can be written like that. I dunno how to disable the box
how do you write it like that though? oh, ok
or how about instead of making it open a new window, having it open in the same window and go back when it’s done?
or open it in a hidden frame, would that work?
hmm, it can b done. all u gotta do is change the “_blank” in the send(…) to the proper id
O.K. thanks, but can you answer one more question for me?
how can i change it from saying |NEW-MESSAGE|OLD-MESSAGES| to saying |“Data=”|NEW-MESSAGE|OLD-MESSAGES| ?
Thats what Ive been trying to figure out for a while. My knowledge about file handling in php is a bit rusty. I’ll see if i can come up with soomething
ok, thank you
how about paying me :P. jk, finally i got it, here u go.
//if ($_POST['Submit']){
$nameReceived = $_POST['Name'];
$emailReceived = $_POST['Email'];
$commentsReceived = $_POST['Comments'];
$Name = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9<>]", "", $nameReceived);
$Email = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9 @.-/'<>]", "", $emailReceived);
$Comments = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9 @.-/'<>]", "", $commentsReceived);
$Name = stripslashes($Name);
$Email = stripslashes($Email);
$Comments = stripslashes($Comments);
$filename = "shoutbox.txt";
$fp = fopen( $filename,"r");
$goto = fseek($fp, 5);
$OldData = fread($fp, 80000);
fclose( $fp );
// $Input = "<a href=\"mailto:$Email\"><b>$Name</b></a>: $Comments<br><br>.:::.";
$Input = "<a href=\"mailto:$Email\"><b>$Name</b></a>: $Comments<br><br>";
$New = "$Input$OldData";
$fp = fopen( $filename,"r+");
$goto = fseek($fp, 5);
fwrite($fp, $New, 80000);
fclose( $fp );
header("Location: shoutbox.php");
// print"Error";
overwrite the add.php with the above.
Remember to do one thing though. In the shoutbox.txt, add data= in the beginning
you really do deserve to be payed for all the work you have done, but I don’t really have a very big budget lol
do you really want it to be rerouted to shoutbox.php from add.php? shoutbox.php has no use, all it does is display the contents of the file.