Hey - One thing I really enjoy dong is viewing peoples Online Portfolio’s of their work. I just love to see there way of designing art or taking photography etc…
So if you have an Online Portfolio - then post your link in this thread so i can view it…
here a little project i’m working on it’s not finished yet but soon will be
i’m working as a freelancer and still working on my portofollio site
the site is on a testing server of the guy who gave me the assignment
I like you site a lot… a couple comments though: why open a seperate window when you view the site? When you look and the team members info the scroll up/down button hit areas are defined by the small white arrow, why not expand that to a larger box around the area. And in the background of the text there is a bright greenish/yellowish blob that kinda disrupts reading.
this is more of a brief company description with a client list and one featured project. I dont have all the clients linked to their specific project information… but hey, its my version of a portfolio for now.