Show Me Your Portfolio's!

Hey - One thing I really enjoy dong is viewing peoples Online Portfolio’s of their work. I just love to see there way of designing art or taking photography etc…

So if you have an Online Portfolio - then post your link in this thread so i can view it…

Here’s mine its incomplete and I’m working on it. BTW what is yours?

Myn hasnt been uploaded yet - although it will be in a few days - so ill post the link when i do it…

here a little project i’m working on it’s not finished yet but soon will be
i’m working as a freelancer and still working on my portofollio site
the site is on a testing server of the guy who gave me the assignment

Helmz, your footer is too large :stuck_out_tongue:

(mine is in my user profile)

Here’s mine Jenesaisquoi

Here’s mine:

It’s currently being totally redesigned so check back soon. (ie. in about three - four months. :))

been over 2 years without an update now. have a new version in the works…

like it or get banned :lol:

[SIZE=1]Click the image to see my site!^^[/SIZE]

mine is coming :stuck_out_tongue:

and its going to be pretty sweet. :slight_smile: - still on it’s way

and where’s yours ben? or are you gonna rip someones who’s posted :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

it is about 6 months old Dyad Designs :thumb:

nice… very solid use of color and simple shapes, something that escapes some of the best designers.


Im going to start work on the new site soon…just have too much on my plate at the moment.

I like you site a lot… a couple comments though: why open a seperate window when you view the site? When you look and the team members info the scroll up/down button hit areas are defined by the small white arrow, why not expand that to a larger box around the area. And in the background of the text there is a bright greenish/yellowish blob that kinda disrupts reading.



ya3 | thepower


my pride and joy :thumb:[/CENTER]

this is more of a brief company description with a client list and one featured project. I dont have all the clients linked to their specific project information… but hey, its my version of a portfolio for now.


nothing special…just clean