VERY NICE, good job
i just started this:
here is mine
and I project Ive been working on now…
I like it alot! One thing I noticed is that it seems you have a little space between the actual buttons and where the little transparent part of the menu that comes out that kinda makes your menu jump a little. Just figured Id tell you that you might want to fix it
I will fix it tonight when I get home, thanks zerosignal0 :thumb:
no problemo
WOW!! these are all awsom sweet as portfolio’s. Thanx for everyone whos posted them so i can see.
and as for “ratbaggy’s” comment asking where my link to my portfolio is, well its currently being developed. But ill post the link to half of what iv done - its no where near finishing yet though so dont take the piss out of it - lol -
[center]Click Here To View
** Note: If you click enter site it wont work as i havnt uploaded my pages yet…
Here is my portfolio. It is still under construction and will be complete soon. As for the flash version, it will be complete as soon as I get a chance to work on it.
Any critique would be great!
It’s old, when I can find some time I’ll be making a new flash one.
check out my porfolio it’s at . I’ve already posted it in a separate thread for review and posted again here. critics are more than welcome
“hamez” — After viewing your portfolio, id have to say that i absolutly loved it!!
It was very good to see someone with a different type of portfolio displaying a cartoony feel, You have really done well with it! Your portfolio work is also pretty sweet!!!
2 things though: on the splash page where it says enter site, there is a gray circle to the left hand side, what is it??? it doesnt fit!
second thing: I LOVE THAT SMALL SPEAKER in the bottom right hand corner, its sooo well how can i put it: cute :D.
Well Done!
Thank you very much for the kind words b3nkobe, the gray cirlce is a problem i’ve been having with browser compatibilty :(. It appears that a Mozilla browser turns this line(which i drew using dreamweaver not an image) into an ugly gray circle. Internet explorer dones’t present this problem. If anyone knows a solution they are more than welcome, in the meantime imagine a simple gray line in place of the circle.hehe
hahaha - its funny how different browsers do different things! Well i wish i could help as i really enjoyed your site . Keep up the awsom work peace
hamez – your site has such a good feel to it. it is kind of refreshing to see a portfolio that doesn’t stick to the grays and blacks.
Well this isnt my portfolio its my friend Daves, Just thought id post a link to it to show people -
2 things though: there are no preloaders yet so the flash box’s will load - and its not too bad considering that he had to get it complete for a school vet program task, he is though going to revamp it when he gets more time…
[center]Click Here To View
Mr.Mass - I just visited your site and after the loading time (im on dialup not broadband) i was more than impressed i was blown of my chair! I really like it - Your graphics are really well done and the concept of it all is very cool -
2 words to sum it up: ITS SNAZZY